Gives you the opportunity of having the complete product catalogue in collaboration with the brand: basic information, technical data and images of the product.
Automatic update of your stock and prices connecting the whole commercial chain. This is combined with Tango and SAP systems, among others.
Gives the seller a chance to be and option of pick up in a specific address, rather in an official stores as well as an owner.
Publish all your products automatically and in a massive importation with the chance of editing every product.
Brands and wholesale distributors help optimize logistics taking responsibility for the delivery of the products sell by their own commercial retailers.
Sales, publications and visits for every link in the commercial channel simplifying decision making.
A solution that allows brands to provide a product catalogue with prices and stock always updated and also pick up stores available to connect an official store from Mercado Libre, moreover this solution allows to sync up information for distributors.
This solution permits wholesale distributors provide a product catalogue from brands, manufacturers or even their own, synchronizing stock and prices list with their retailers, allowing the automating their publications in Mercado Libre.